
Profits Took Priority Over Downed Cow Bill

Re “ ‘Mad Cow’ Case Tied to Feed; Little Human Risk Seen,” Dec. 25: Advocates of the humane treatment of animals have worked tirelessly for the passage of the proposed Downed Animal Protection Act over the last two years, but the measures have been defeated largely by congressional Republicans. These people were too morally vacuous to do what was right and act to alleviate the suffering of these sentient and wholly innocent animals. After all, the convenience and the profit margin of the meat and dairy industries had to take priority.

In light of the recent discovery of bovine spongiform encephalopathy in this country, however, I’m certain these representatives will vote in favor of the legislation next time, now that their own health and safety are at stake.

I hope they’ve all been eating a lot of hamburger lately.

Patricia A. Vinet



Mad cow disease appearing in this country is disturbing, but allowing it to get into our food chain is unconscionable. Consumers need facts, and soon, not spin from government and trade groups.


Lynda Merrill

Morro Bay
