
Anthrax Vaccinations for U.S. Soldiers

Re “No Place for an Experiment,” editorial, Dec. 24: Anthrax is an attractive weapon. It is highly lethal, not hard to produce, easily spread and very stable. Terrorists are known to have a keen interest in biological weapons, especially anthrax. Members of the military services must be prepared to carry out any mission assigned under all conditions. Therefore, the Department of Defense provides a layered system of preventive measures and protections. This includes inoculating appropriate military members against the threat of potential bioterrorism agents, such as anthrax.

The anthrax vaccine is safe and effective, and has been licensed by the Food and Drug Administration since 1970. The National Academy of Sciences states unequivocally that anthrax vaccine is “an effective vaccine for the protection of humans against anthrax, including inhalational anthrax, caused by all known or plausible engineered strains of Bacillus anthracis.” In a series of controlled experiments among 65 monkeys exposed to inhalational anthrax and provided the vaccine, 62 survived. Among 18 exposed monkeys without the vaccine, all died.

The DOD is committed to ensuring the health and safety of the men and women who so unselfishly serve this nation. The purpose of military vaccination programs is to keep our troops healthy and help them return home safe. America’s service members are national treasures -- we do not experiment with them.


William Winkenwerder Jr.

Assistant Sec. of Defense

(Health Affairs), Washington
