
Jumping the Gun on Merchant Fleet’s Demise

Re: “America’s Dwindling Merchant Fleet Is Sending Out an SOS,” (Jan. 19):

There were many points of factual and topical accuracy, including the corrosive impact of rogue flag-of-convenience shipping on the American merchant marine, the sound domestic protections of the Jones Act and the critical importance of renewed funding for international U.S.-flag ships in the Maritime Security Program.

But the effect of accuracy gained in those points was unfortunately diminished by an unsuitable subtext of presumed stasis, inevitable decay and impending expiration of our industry, trade, and Union.

That misplaced emphasis stems from the attempt to view today’s merchant marine through an ostensibly romantic and nostalgia-laced prism of an earlier era.


There is an ebb and flow in the fortunes of the American merchant marine, and today there are numerous indications of change that make us optimistic about the future.

In any case, the Sailors’ Union of the Pacific does not equate our historic struggle with decline, and accordingly we reject your announcement of our demise.

Dave Connolly

Vice President/


Sailors’ Union of the Pacific

San Francisco
