
Ex-Trustee Lopez Also Urges an Investigation

Re: “Nativo Lopez’s Successor Is Sworn In,” Feb. 12:

Your story made mention of a letter released by state Assemblyman Lou Correa (D-Anaheim) requesting an investigation by the state attorney general’s office and Orange County district attorney’s office into allegations by Santa Ana Unified Supt. Al Mijares regarding supposed ethical violations committed by board members John Palacio and me in our “dealings with district contractors.”

Surely you remember the Mijares letter timed for the expected political effect two days before the recall election? Yes, that’s the one referred to by Correa.

I have never heard from Correa on the matter, but I would interpret his statement if reported correctly as nothing less than political piling on, unless, of course, Correa seeks a broader review of the district’s construction program and all the relevant players, including Mijares and his staff.


I not only welcome an investigation, but categorically insist that Mijares and the previous district construction management staff -- particularly Mike Vail and Gordon Itow -- be questioned to account for the delays experienced in the construction program. What will be revealed are horrific ethical violations committed by Mijares, Vail, and Itow, for not moving the construction program forward, and never communicating appropriately with the elected board of education.

I dare Mijares to provide The Times with any document to the contrary to justify his politically motivated claims.

I welcome any and all scrutiny. It would not be the first.

Nativo Lopez

Santa Ana
