
Judge Refuses to Lift Ban on Pastor

Times Staff Writer

A Superior Court judge on Monday extended his order banning Daniel Kruse from pastoring Crossroads Community Church in Westminster, following accusations that he stole documents and sought to wrest control of the church from its board of directors.

Judge James M. Brooks refused to lift an earlier restraining order against Kruse, who admitted having an 18-year affair with his brother’s wife, and instead granted a preliminary injunction prohibiting Kruse from interfering with church business until a civil trial resolves the issue of which brother controls the church.

Kruse’s attorney had argued for his client’s right to control the Crossroads church, but dropped that position Monday after Brooks notified both sides that he was leaning toward a ruling against Daniel Kruse, who was not present at the hearing.


Originally, Kruse sought to block his brother, Pastor Jim Kruse, and a board of directors at the popular church from taking over management of the church.

Brooks rejected the attempt.

The clash between the brothers has divided the congregation of about 300 families at Crossroads.

There also have been a change of locks, disputes over who should keep collection-plate offerings, calls to police to keep the peace and, finally, a court order last month freezing the church’s assets.


But with Daniel Kruse no longer at the pulpit, church members have returned to worship and attend services.

Daniel Kruse resigned as the church’s senior pastor April 22 but changed his mind, returned and created a new board, naming his wife and sons as members.

He argued that he had “temporarily stepped down” as pastor but had never resigned as a member of the board, which sets policy for the church.


Church bylaws allow the board, and not the congregation, to steer the church’s course, including selling the church property and its assets valued at least $2 million.

Many church members expressed fear that Daniel Kruse intended to sell the property and move to Texas to start a new church.
