
VA Health System Failing, Survey Says

Times Staff Writer

Veterans are waiting six months or more for medical care as a severely overburdened Veterans Affairs health system fails to keep pace with growing demand, a report to be presented to Congress today concludes.

“Washington, D.C., operates on a mentality of statistics,” said American Legion national commander Ronald Conley, the author of the report.

“We wanted to make everybody aware that these are not just numbers, but are actual, real people and they’re sick and they need to see a doctor and they can’t wait.”


An estimated 110,000 veterans are waiting for initial appointments for nonservice-related medical problems at hundreds of VA centers around the country, the VA acknowledges.

Conley is scheduled to testify today before the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee.

The VA expects to see 4.7 million veterans in its hospitals and clinics this year, up more than 54% from 1996. The rising cost of private health insurance and prescription drugs have led more veterans to rely on VA medical care. About 7 million of the nation’s 25 million veterans, or 28%, are receiving VA medical benefits.

“A lot of people who may have been able to afford health insurance in the past are finding it difficult to afford it,” said David Autry, a spokesman for Disabled American Veterans. “They are turning to VA, where they feel their country should take care of them.”


Dr. Robert Roswell, VA undersecretary for health, said he also attributes the influx of patients to new VA community clinics and improvements in the quality of care. The waiting list for appointments had been considerably longer, he added, with 315,000 veterans on it just last summer.

President Bush’s 2004 budget allots $27 billion for VA health care, an increase of 7.7% from last year, Roswell said. “We’re quite pleased with the support the president has shown,” he said, but the funds are still not enough to “keep pace with truly phenomenal growth.”

The chairwoman of a presidential task force that examined the VA health system in 2001 agreed with veterans’ groups that the system is unable to meet patients’ needs.


“It was very clear that there were not enough resources currently available to fund services for veterans in a way that would allow them to get health care without undue delay,” said Gail Wilensky, now a senior fellow at Project HOPE, a health-care advocacy group.

The American Legion’s Conley visited 60 VA medical facilities over 10 months, talking to hospital directors, doctors, nurses and patients to assess how well the system meets patient demand.

The 162 hospitals, 850 clinics and 137 nursing homes that constitute the nation’s largest managed-care system are chronically underfunded, his report concluded.

The VA Greater Los Angeles Health Care System, one of the largest in the country with 12 outpatient clinics and an operating budget of nearly $500 million, was not included in the report and a spokesman there declined to comment.

Veterans’ groups are calling for a change in the way VA health care is funded, so that it would receive a guaranteed stream of income much like Medicare already does.

Currently, each year’s VA spending must be set by Congress, making it subject to the constraints of the overall federal budget. Such unpredictability makes it difficult for hospitals and other facilities to operate, Conley said.


“No matter what the number is that may actually be needed, there is no guarantee that that amount of money will be provided in the end,” Autry said. “The VA doesn’t have enough money to begin with, we can’t plan from month to month and we don’t know when we’re going to get this money and how much it’s going to be.”

In 1996, Congress relaxed eligibility requirements for VA health care, allowing more veterans to enroll. A generous prescription benefit is one reason that many have for enrolling. The VA offers a 30-day supply of each medication for a $7 co-payment.

The president’s budget includes provisions to increase the co-payment to $15 for higher-income veterans and eliminate it for those with lower incomes. The budget also proposes a $250 enrollment fee for higher-income veterans.

An American Legion survey last year of about 4,000 veterans found the average wait for an appointment is seven months and that 58% had appointments rescheduled, many for several months later.

“All I did was put in 20 years of separations, hardships, sacrifices,” wrote one survey responder, Robert Thomas, who served in Korea and Vietnam in the Navy.

“The thanks I received is to ... be told that it will be another year before I see my first VA doctor.”
