
Lessons on Driving Safely

Where to get help:

* For driving classes: Driver safety courses from AARP cost $10 for two four-hour sessions. Call (888) AARPNOW or visit the organization’s Driver Safety Program Web site at

Mature-driver lessons from the Automobile Club of Southern California cost $21, held in a single session. Call (800) 222-8794 for the number of the nearest Auto Club office. Offices can also be found at

* To report someone you believe to be an unsafe driver: Department of Motor Vehicles offices have what is called the Potentially Unsafe Driver form. To get the form on the Internet, go to www.dmv, and scroll to the Request for Driver Reexamination. Close family members and spouses can report loved ones anonymously.


* For information on aging and driving: The Automobile Club of Southern California has brochures on such topics as safety tips, license renewal requirements and the importance of good vision. Available at local AAA branch offices. The American Assn. of Motor Vehicles Administrators has a Web site, www.granddriver .info, with links to driver information for seniors.

Sharon Bernstein
