
A writer, his readers and their friends

I just read Janet Eastman’s article about the Michael Chabon lecture and had to write (“Where’s a Superhero When You Need One?” Feb. 27).

I was initially drawn to it because Chabon is my favorite writer. I agree his prose is beautiful, and I remember attending a panel discussion at the Times Festival of Books, in which he was a speaker, with the same sense of expectation Eastman mentions. As when I listen to any writer I admire speak about the craft (one of my favorite things in life), I, too, hope to be transported and changed.

It was Eastman’s review of the people in her life who might also enjoy the event that really touched me. I related to so much of it, particularly her lament about eggheaded friends who might not see the forest for the trees. Her description of what she needs -- of what she is -- was well-articulated and an expression of something I had been feeling for some time.


Lisa Morbete

Los Angeles
