
Indian Wells Rudeness Can’t Be Forgotten

Re: “Sisters Should Forgive, Forget,” on March 17:

Bill Dwyre does not get it. The fans at Indian Wells were extremely rude and disrespectful in their treatment of the Williams sisters two years ago.

Their behavior was so unusual, as Dwyre acknowledges, that “those who have watched tennis for years had never seen anything like it,” even though there have been a number of other instances when players defaulted shortly prior to the start of their matches. Nothing can excuse this, and the Williams sisters are justified in sitting out this tournament. The Indian Wells fans have what they deserve -- an overpriced tournament without the participation of the best players in the game. As for attendance by black fans, don’t worry about us -- we’re not going to spend our money at second-tier events, especially ones that show such disrespect to black athletes.

Derrick Boston

Los Angeles
