
Readers recommend

Italy: Up and away

L’Ottavo Colle (Rome’s “eighth hill,” billed as the world’s largest tethered balloon), Via San Paolo del Brasile in the Galoppatoio (equestrian center) in Borghese Gardens, Rome’s biggest park; 011-39-06-32- 111-511. “This huge blue balloon carries 30 passengers at a time on a gentle 15-minute ride up 450 feet, offering a spectacular view of the city. A fun respite from ruins and art.” Adults $16; children $7.

Dick Barnes

Long Beach

Ireland: Easy access

Ashleigh House, Cork Road, Waterford, 011-353-51-375-171, “Great hosts, breakfast, location and Web site at this bed-and- breakfast three miles west of Waterford. Easy access to tours of Waterford Crystal Visitor Center, Kilkenny and the Waterford & Suir Valley Railroad. We signed up for two nights, but we liked the B&B;

so much we stayed two extra nights.” Doubles, with bath, from $69.

Bill and Adele Enright


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