
They Need to Practice Defense Against Rush

If TV needs to provide sports viewers with shallow opinions from a geek who knows nothing about football, they could have just kept Dennis Miller.

John Vasi

Santa Barbara


Sounds as if the media wanted a “black quarterback” to succeed no more than Rush Limbaugh wanted one to fail.

Greg Torres



When an athlete says it is not about the money, it is surely about the money. When a politician says the issue is not partisan, it is surely partisan. When a talk-show host says he is not talking about race, he is only talking about race. So it is with Rush Limbaugh.


In a bizarre karmic twist, a man who has made his fortune excoriating his political opposition finds himself on the receiving end of the same treatment for an ill-conceived sports commentary. Now, if he can just find a way to blame it on Al Franken....

Rick Gitchen

Chino Hills


I’m sure Rush Limbaugh would have us believe that Barry Bonds is also overrated. As were Jim Brown, Magic Johnson and Michael Jordan. Jackie Robinson was nothing special. The evil, liberal media thought it “very desirous” that these black athletes do well.

It is not shocking that a known bigot such as Limbaugh would show his true racist colors. What I find hard to believe is that he would be stupid enough to make these comments on ESPN, instead of the Fox News Channel (where he would be hailed as a genius).


Steve Kehela

Studio City


Former pro quarterback Sean Salisbury, in criticizing Rush Limbaugh’s recent comments, believes that the color of one’s skin is irrelevant. If such was truly the case in the NFL, why are franchises heavily fined for failing to interview coaching candidates of color?

Barry P. Resnick



I am not defending what Rush said, but it does seem that there is a real double standard in our country.

I remember when Isiah Thomas said that Larry Bird would not get the press he gets or be thought of as such a great player if he were black instead of white. I do not remember him being fired or even criticized much for his racist comments.


Lou Steinmetz

Huntington Beach
