
Expelling Arafat

Re “U.S. Vetoes Arafat Protection,” Sept. 17: Yet again, the U.S. alienates itself from the rest of the world by vetoing the U.N. resolution to ask Israel not to expel Yasser Arafat. Israel’s decision is desperate and unwise.

The issue is not whether Arafat deserves to be expelled. Arafat has not been capable of leading the Palestinians, and he’s long overdue to leave office. The consequences of Israel’s decision, however, will be severely damaging. It will turn Arafat into a hero, it will produce more hatred and resentment toward Israel and it will result in more fighting and more casualties on both sides.

Israel has tried all means to stop the terrorism, except the most obvious one -- withdrawing from the occupied territories.


Hala Innab

Santa Monica
