
Contributions race

These contributions were reported by major candidates on the recall ballot who have received at least $100,000 for their gubernatorial campaigns. Totals are for all contributions through Aug. 23 and for contributions of $1,000 or more through Thursday. Donations of $1,000 or more must be reported within 24 hours of receipt.

* Manny M. Aragon, state senator from New Mexico, was one of three contributors from Albuquerque to give $21,200*. The Health Care Workers Union also gave $21,200. U.A. Local 38, the California arm of a national plumbing union, gave $20,000. The same group has contributed to Gov. Gray Davis’ anti-recall efforts. La Posta Band of Mission Indians gave $5,000.

*--* Contributions Candidate or committee Total reported Reported in 24 hours ending Thursday Cruz Bustamante $2,711,833 $255,841 533 contributions 56 contributions



Bustamante controls three other committees:

Californians for Stability is an anti-recall fund that has raised $425,044. The Cruz Bustamante Committee Against Prop. 54 has collected more than $4.5 million, most of which was transferred from the Lt. Gov. Bustamante 2002 Committee, an old reelection campaign fund. That committee reported raising more than $900,000, excluding the transfers.

* One of the state’s most powerful unions, the California Teachers Assn., gave $250,000 to the anti-Prop. 54 fund.

*--* Arianna Huffington $587,052 none 2,310 contributions


* Dave Fratello, a Huffington spokesman, said technical problems had prevented the campaign’s treasurer from submitting electronic reports for the last two days.


*--* Tom McClintock $925,412 $6,500 1,241 contributions 5 contributions


* The Asphalt Pavement Assn. gave $2,500; the same group contributed $9,000 in late August. John Kurzweil, an editor at the California Public Policy Foundation, which publishes the California Political Review, gave $1,000.

*--* Arnold $8,585,158 $155,600 Schwarzenegger 1,099 contributions 33 contributions


* Leslie Wexner, CEO of The Limited Corp., a national clothing and beauty products retailer, contributed $21,200. Strocal Inc., a structural steel manufacturer, gave $10,000. Catherine Hostetler, a Los Banos real estate developer with Ranchwood Homes, contributed the same amount. John Kilroy Sr., chairman of Kilroy Reality Corp., gave $1,000. Kilroy’s son gave $21,200 in August.

Schwarzenegger also controls Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Total Recall, a pro-recall committee, which has raised more than $1.2 million.


*--* Davis Fights the Recall Californians Against $6,346,621 $19,506 the Costly Recall 386 contributions 3 contributions of the Governor


Gov. Gray Davis controls this anti-recall committee.

* The Maryland-based political arm of the International Assn. of Machinists and Aerospace Workers contributed $15,000. The campaign committee for state Assemblyman John Dutra (D-Fremont) gave $3,200.

Davis also continues to raise money through his former reelection committee, the Gov. Gray Davis Committee, which has transferred more than $1 million to Californians Against the Costly Recall. Excluding the transfers, the old campaign fund has reported raising more than $360,000.

A third committee, Taxpayers Against the Governor’s Recall, has reported more than $2.75 million in contributions. Dutra’s campaign committee gave $6,800 to this group.

Reported by Times staff writer Joel Rubin and Times researcher Maloy Moore.

*Contributions to candidates from each outside source are limited to $21,200. There is no cap on the amount candidates can give their own campaigns, or on donations to noncandidacy committees.

Source: Campaign reports filed with the California secretary of state.

Los Angeles Times
