
Grunion sightings

Regarding “Runnin’ With the Grunion” [May 31], as a boy in the early 1960s, I would spend summers fishing off the San Clemente Pier. I gave those grunion repeated tries, as did my friends. They were poison as far as halibut were concerned (or most any other fish for that matter). But when the open season begins this year, I might go down to catch a few to eat.

Dan Johancsik

Huntington Beach


When I was in college I planned an amorous encounter with a coed at the beach but didn’t know about grunion runs. All of a sudden the darkened beach was swarming with people and flashlights searching out the mating fish. Needless to say I was not able to get a second date. Sometimes you have to learn biology lessons the hard way.

Eric Hochberg

Curator, Invertebrate Zoology

Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History
