
Hey, nosy, start pedaling

Naming a bike race Tour de Nez (“the nose tour” in French) makes about as much sense as naming a coffee house Deux Gros Nez (two fat noses). But it worked for Tim Healion, who in 1992 planned a street party to celebrate the seventh anniversary of his popular Reno espresso bar with, he says, “the silly stupid name that has nothing to do with anything” -- and then threw in a one-hour bike race to boot. “The race was for aging masters riders like myself, who rarely get to hear a crowd cheer them on,” Healion says. For the last 13 years, the Tour de Nez has mutated into one of the biggest events in Reno -- a three-day festival of races, music, food, bike painting and belly dancing that draws hundreds of racers, 10,000 spectators and the title Coolest Race in the World from California Cyclist magazine. A thick schedule of bike events starts June 16 and includes something for everybody: a one-block kiddie race; a bike-messenger scavenger hunt; 100-mile, 100-kilometer and 15-mile tours for mere mortals; a 100-mile road race from Truckee to Reno regularly attended by some of North America’s best pro riders; and a challenging pro and masters showdown on city streets called the Tour de Mighty Nez. There’s even a one-mile Clunker Classic for home-built bikes weighing more than 35 pounds. “This is generally for those other types of biker dudes who normally ride a bike with an engine,” says Healion. “Most don’t make it -- they slam beers beforehand and stop at all the bars on the way.” Go to or call (775) 287-3599.

-- Roy M. Wallack
