
Remedies for an Ailing Healthcare System

Re “U.S. Healthcare Problem Too Big for Employers and Workers,” Washington Outlook, June 20: Ronald Brownstein wrote about the biggest problem our country faces, the medical coverage crisis that is costing business and labor too much money.

Our products on the world market cost more because of healthcare costs to our companies.

In other countries, company workers either have government-provided healthcare (a hidden government subsidy) or none at all.

Why are our policymakers so stupid and stubborn that they don’t see the obvious solution right in front of them? We have a single-payer system that works. It is called Medicare. Just put everyone under it as its proponents originally envisioned it.


The younger, healthier workers would bring down the costs and probably make the program more self-sustaining. Of course, the insurance companies would scream bloody murder, but we can no longer afford the insurance profits on healthcare. Insurance companies could still have a good income from Medigap policies.

Lorraine Geittmann

Redondo Beach


In response to Brownstein’s column concerning the U.S. healthcare problem: There is an organization that is trying to remedy this problem in California called Health Care for All. It represents a policy bill, SB 840, and a single-payer health system sponsored by state Sen. Sheila Kuehl (D-Santa Monica).

This will create a healthcare system that guarantees state residents will never lose their health insurance because they can’t afford coverage, have a preexisting condition or lose their job. The website is I recommend everyone check this out and send a letter of support if you agree with it.


Barbara Alcott

Huntington Beach
