
In Iraq, the Horror and the Bizarre

Your editorial, “This Is Winning?” (April 29), struck a chord on the entire situation in Iraq. The editorial captured perfectly the terror our soldiers are encountering overseas. I believe it could have gone further and declared that we must leave Iraq. If the U.S. does not leave Iraq immediately, the dire consequences will surely outweigh the objectives we originally started this war over.

Bryce Meehan



He’s back! Remember Ahmad Chalabi? The darling of the neocons who bagged $30 million in exchange for flawed Iraqi weapons-of-mass-destruction intelligence information? Yes, Chalabi. The same guy who sold U.S. and Iraqi intelligence information to Iran. He’s back. In the fledgling Iraqi Cabinet. Acting oil minister, no less (April 29). In charge of the stream of revenue that we were all told would finance Iraq’s reconstruction. Right! Why am I not surprised?

Jerome V. Posell

