
Musicians’ Union: Read our lips

From Reuters

Britain’s Musicians’ Union has called on performers to come clean: Audiences should be told if those in the spotlight are lip-synching rather than singing.

The union is urging promoters, producers and artists to back its campaign for lip-synching to be clearly labeled during TV shows, in pop arenas and on stage.

“Stand up and be honest about it. We won’t knock you for using recordings,” said union spokesman Keith Ames, wearied by the sight of bands with miming singers backed by guitarists going through the motions to a recorded track.


“If we are going to sell British music around the world, we cannot go out without a genuine product. You cannot sell artificiality to the Europeans and the Americans. They will see through it immediately.”

The union suggested that a lip-synching logo could be flashed up on television or on posters and tickets for shows.
