
Whose side is the administration on?

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Re “Arab Firm’s Port Deal Called a Threat,” Feb. 20

Is this how we keep America safe, by selling control over our ports to the highest bidder? The same people who handled Katrina are secretly making these decisions and telling us not to worry. How many more examples of this administration’s ineptness do we need? If our legislators let this one slip by, shame on them -- their negligence and inability to stand up to the Bush administration will be noted by history as a major contribution to the demise of this once-great nation.


Los Angeles


Turn over the ports to the Arabs. No improvements in security since 9/11. Rampant incompetence in Iraq and Louisiana. Spying on Americans.

Whose side are they on?




It’s quite ironic that Bush and company need to spy on Americans using illegal wiretaps, citing national security, while allowing an Arab company to take over operations at several major U.S. ports.


What is really going on here? Could it be that Bush is protecting his relationship with Arab oil producers because he and his “supporters” have strong economic interests in the Arab nations? On the other hand, being able to invade the privacy of American citizens provides a means to determine potential opposition to his plans. Looks a bit too suspicious to me.


Clinton Township, Mich.
