
Why propositions pass

IT WAS STARTING TO look like California voters were ready for a ballot measure to ban ballot measures. They famously rejected all eight items in the 2005 special election, then followed up by defeating both propositions in the June primary. But Tuesday, they showed they can still say “yes,” approving seven of 13 measures and keeping intact a record that may surprise all but the most devoted of election groupies: For all their voter fatigue, Californians approve more propositions than they reject. Since 2000, 46 ballot measures have passed and 40 have failed.

Many of those victories were bond measures, and, in fact, all five bonds on Tuesday’s ballot -- representing more than $46 billion in debt -- won approval, while all three tax measures went down to defeat. With those results, it’s easy to draw the conclusion that selfish voters will cheerfully sign off on spending as long as their own taxes stay low. But there is something else -- something encouraging -- afoot. Voters may be willing to put their faith in Sacramento if lawmakers act responsibly.

Most bonds end up on the ballot only after wending their way through the legislative process, mustering a bipartisan two-thirds vote of lawmakers and winning the governor’s support. The details are vetted, the parties sign off and voters have the reassurance they need to vote yes. Proposition 84 didn’t go through the same process, but it won support from the Legislature and the governor and got the thumbs-up from voters. Proposition 1A was not a bond, but it also carried the bipartisan stamp of approval and passed easily.


Ballot measures that raise taxes are another matter. They are almost always special interest initiatives -- pet projects by wealthy entertainers or industrialists, such as film producer Stephen Bing’s oil extraction tax. Voters dislike taxes, even taxes on perceived evildoers such as Big Tobacco or Big Oil -- and even if celebrities and ex-presidents join the campaign. But there’s more to it. Voters are increasingly unwilling to sign on to some project that hasn’t gone through bipartisan screening. That’s what we elect representatives for -- to iron out the details and reach a fair compromise.

One other measure passed Tuesday. Proposition 83 toughens punishment and monitoring of sex offenders, and it follows a long line of overreaching voter initiatives put forward in the interest of protecting the innocent and most vulnerable. But it’s worth noting that Republican state Sen. George Runner of Lancaster took the so-called Jessica’s Law to the ballot only after Democrats stymied his efforts to get a bill to the floor. Sacramento failed to generate a compromise bill, so the voters stepped in. A judge has now blocked enforcement of part of the law.

It may be that one more TV ad or mailer might have turned the tide for one of the losing propositions. But elected officials now have evidence that the public is ready to follow them if they’re ready to lead.
