
These girls would love New York

ON a recent Saturday, 124 young ballet students stepped to the barre with numbers pinned to their leotards hoping to be chosen for a few coveted spots at the School of American Ballet. Kay Mazzo, co-chairman (along with Peter Martins) of the school, which is the official training academy for the New York City Ballet, watched the dancers carefully, looking for a certain energy, a potential that stood apart.

The School of American Ballet, which holds open auditions in 25 cities, offers those who make the cut positions in a five-week summer intensive at its New York studios. While there, the students live dormitory style, take classes up to three hours a day (some with members of the company), attend performances in New York and Saratoga, N.Y., and live, breathe and dream ballet.

Up to 200 of the 2,000 aspiring dancers seen at these auditions will go to New York. Five of those who danced this day in Santa Monica will be among them.



-- Iris Schneider
