
To every story, an exception

After reading “Guy Pals Just Can’t Seem to Take the Hint” (Getting Personal, June 21), I felt a need to write in. If there was ever a reason for putting advice columns solely in the Opinion section instead of the entertainment section, this is a great example. It provides a very one-sided point of view that is more appropriate for talk radio.

Throughout the article Samantha Bonar seems to lay the blame on the “pervy guy friends” but continually gives examples of how she and her friends don’t follow what you should do in any relationship and those instructions are given by the 1 1/2 -inch letters that are listed with the article: “TELL.” Tell these guys how you really feel -- very clear, straight out without any “hints.” Bonar only tells the story from her point of view -- her personal opinion -- without really examining what is going on.

And concerning her statement that it “never works,” just for the record, there are three friends of mine who are married, knew their spouses for many years as just “friends” and eventually married. And they have some of the best marriages I know. Perhaps the “advice” of “sure I’ll go out with you. Perhaps never” might be the worst advice given in the column.



Los Angeles
