
Barking about dog park plan

Re “L.A. residents told to keep their paws off dog park,” May 3

The residents of Mar Vista have discovered what we in Venice have known for years: Santa Monica is a bad neighbor.

Santa Monica has long addressed regional issues of traffic, parking and recreation by establishing “locals-only” zones while doing nothing to mitigate its impact on adjoining communities.

It’s like the guy who is always putting his trash in his neighbors’ cans and routinely blocks their driveways but gets indignant whenever anyone sets a toe on his lawn.


It would be nice if Santa Monica changed its behavior as a result of Mar Vista’s concerns being made public, but more likely the city will continue to be a bad neighbor who says, “I hate to be provincial, but ... “




So Santa Monica wants to limit its municipal dog park to only Santa Monica dogs. No problem. As a Los Angeles resident and dog owner, city streets shall be limited to L.A. residents.

No doubt limiting messy cross-town traffic is a fine way to mitigate the congestion problem that has been dogging us for some time. What nonsense.



Los Angeles
