
Make way for McMansions

Re “Bid to make buildings greener OKd,” Nov. 16

Eco-focused construction in L.A.? It looks like the city Planning Department didn’t get the memo. It is currently floating a “mansionization” ordinance to replace recently passed anti-mansionization ordinances. Nothing wastes nonrenewable energy resources and destroys urban forest like enormous houses. The Planning Department’s proposal is a travesty; it will result in more out-of-character and wasteful construction in neighborhoods where residents have made it clear that they don’t want McMansions to replace smaller, older (and more affordable) homes. I don’t see anything in this resolution that protects older, affordable housing stock, trees or permeable surfaces (unpaved ground) in established neighborhoods.

The Planning Commission should get the word over to the Planning Department right away. It might send a copy to the L.A. Department of Building and Safety while it’s at it.



La Crescenta
