
Preaching truth to power

Re “IRS ends church probe but stirs new questions,” Sept. 24

As a fellow religious leader in Pasadena, I want to express my deep admiration and profound gratitude to the Rev. J. Edwin Bacon Jr. for his moral courage and leadership in the face of strenuous governmental pressure against his church’s freedom of speech and freedom of the pulpit.

Like the great religious leaders the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, Bacon has stood up for justice and peace, is not afraid to preach truth to power, and we are the better and stronger for it.

I support him in his call for an apology. But I would go further: His church should be reimbursed for the hundreds of thousands of dollars wasted on this needless inquiry, money that surely would have been used to care for the poor, feed the hungry and educate our youth, areas in which All Saints Episcopal Church has been exemplary in our community.


Rabbi Joshua

Levine Grater

Pasadena Jewish

Temple and Center
