
Life and liberty

Re “Taking liberties,” Opinion, Jan. 29

Oh no, Jonah Goldberg, you’re right! The sky must be falling! Governments are trying to promote healthier food, safer workplaces and efficient energy consumption. Please stop insulting my intelligence with overused hyperbole (“We must all surrender ourselves to the near-constant prodding, monitoring ...”) and make the rational concession that government has a place in moderating our lives. The vilification of government intervention and the unmitigated championing of individualism are hallmarks of conservative rhetoric and really have no meaning. Maybe Goldberg thinks traffic safety laws, the criminal justice system and his beloved Patriot Act are government intrusion and collectivist “liberal fascism” as well.

Matthew Bilinsky

Los Angeles


Goldberg, ever the astute and thoughtful essayist, brings attention to the insidious collectivism that spreads its tentacles into our times. Unfortunately, I foresee an unstoppable movement that creates an illusion of security in the expansion of entitlements. The resultant chipping away of individual liberties does not seem to be a threat to the quality of life. In fact, being taken care of is easily traded for the uncertainties of liberty.

It is ironic that we see this expansion throughout the free world. Universal healthcare in much of Europe is just one example of often-cited justification for its obvious desirability and inevitability. What is not readily perceived is the attendant diminution of individual sovereignty. We are letting Big Brother into our lives at our peril.


Thomas A. Edelman

Santa Monica
