
How to quit a job you hate with grace

If 2017 is the year you leave a job where you are miserable, whatever you do, suck it up and plan for a graceful exit.

Rule Numero Uno: Stay off social media.

Too many people give into their negative feelings on the way to their next job and commit career suicide by trashing their former employer, said Cornelia Shipley, a speaker and an executive coach with more than 20 years experience training clients on how to formulate personal and professional goals.

“They either get really excited about the new opportunity and say, ‘I’m outta here.’ Or they are so angry and hurt that they operate out of that hurt and do things that are destructive to them,” Shipley said.


“They try to win the hearts and minds of general public through Facebook ‘likes’ or ‘retweets’ instead of focusing on what they truly want.”

Even if you can’t stand the boss, taking the high road is crucial to managing a career for the long game. That could mean decades.

The world has changed from the days where you got a job for life, stayed in the same house and waited for retirement. Gig economy workers hop from one job to another constantly. You may hold many jobs by the time you retire, so be sure you leave good feelings in your wake.


“If you would like to have a good life and land well, take revenge out of the equation,” said Shipley, who worked for several years at Fortune 500 companies.

The story your employer will tell about you is key. They don’t have to love you, but you don’t want them badmouthing you either. That’s the kiss of death.

“People are moving every day in the new economy,” said Shipley, author of “Design Your Life.” “If you burn a bridge with your old employer, that bridge may wind up at your dream job and they will not hire you.”


So if you hate your job and are leaving, read this before you do something rash:

How to tell your boss: Every organization is different, but generally it is best to inform your boss in person and well in advance. Make sure you thank your supervisor.

Craft a clear story: You are going to have to tell those you are working with at some point. Work with your employer to decide when, what and how your colleagues will be notified that you are leaving. Make sure you authentically express your appreciation for working with colleagues and leave things on a high note wherever possible.

Say thank you: Just because you are leaving the company does not mean you are leaving your relationships behind. Make sure you thank your mentors and sponsors and craft a plan to stay in touch. You never know when or how your paths may cross in the future.

Have a transition plan: Make sure you don’t leave your team or employer in the lurch. Make yourself available in the event it takes time to find your replacement and be willing to train someone to bridge the gap.

Work until your last day: Minimize the amount of disruption your departure may create and focus on delivering quality work until your last day.

Thomas Heath writes for the Washington Post.


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