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Busy? Loaded? “Seeking a place to talk about fine wine, fancy cars and lucrative business decisions without judgment”? may be looking for you. is no mere social network. It’s an “exclusive online country club” for “busy individuals, hungry for a place to communicate with like-minded people,” according to its public relations firm, Media Minefield.

“Just like all the best country clubs, Netropolitan members will pay $9,000 to join and $3,000 each year after.”


It launches Tuesday. is the brainchild of James Touchi-Peters, a music composer, performer and former conductor of the Minnesota Philharmonic Orchestra.

“James and others have mentioned feeling judged for talking about certain topics on other social media outlets. Like they were bragging and met with a little ill will,” messaging specialist Michelle Lawless at Media Minefield told the Los Angeles Times. “Netropolitan is designed to be the place to talk about your last European vacation or new car without the backlash.”

Touchi-Peters was unavailable for immediate comment, although an interview with The Times is being arranged.


The Web destination is password protected. But is open to the hoi polloi. There will be no advertising. And while “you can use The Netropolitan Club for any purpose,” the public site notes, it will not act as a concierge service.

Twitter: @russ1mitchell
