
Three people hospitalized after shooting outside Torrance mall

A map of the South Bay area showing where three people were shot outside a Torrance mall

Three people were hospitalized after a shooting outside a Torrance mall on Tuesday night.

Officers were called at 6:30 p.m. to a parking lot on the northwest corner of West Carson Street and Del Amo Circle East, outside Del Amo Fashion Center, said Sgt. Mark Ponegalek, a Torrance Police Department spokesman.

The officers found shell casings in the area and received information that three or four suspects fled south, across West Carson, into another parking lot, where they committed a carjacking, Ponegalek said. The carjacking victim wasn’t injured.

Officers later got a call from Kaiser Permanente South Bay Medical Center saying that three shooting victims had shown up, he said. One of the victims suffered a graze wound to the head. Information on the injuries suffered by the other two victims was not available.


Further information about the incident was not available Tuesday night.
