
Quick Takes: Peter Parker vanquished

After 50 years of spinning webs and catching a who’s who of criminals, Peter Parker is out of the hero game.

But Spider-man is still slinging from building to building — reborn, refreshed and revived with a new sense of the old maxim that Ben Parker taught his then-fledgling nephew that “with great power, comes great responsibility.”

In Issue 700 of the famed comic book, out Wednesday, Parker’s mind is trapped in the withered, dying body of his nemesis, Doctor Octopus, a.k.a. Otto Octavius.


Where’s Doc Ock? Inside Parker’s super-powered shell, learning what life is like for the brilliant researcher who happens to count the Avengers and Fantastic Four as friends and family.

The two clash mightily in the pages of Issue 700, but it’s Octavius who wins out and Parker is gone, at least for now.

“Gone are his days of villainy, but since it’s Doc Ock and he has that ego, he’s not going to try and just be Spider-man, he’s going to try to be the best Spider-Man ever,” said writer Dan Slott.


—Associated Press

‘Press’ prompts investigation

District of Columbia police say they are investigating an incident in which NBC News reporter David Gregory displayed what he described as a high-capacity ammunition magazine on “Meet the Press.”

Gun laws in the nation’s capital generally restrict the possession of high-capacity magazines, regardless of whether the device is attached to a firearm.

“NBC contacted (the Metropolitan Police Department) inquiring if they could utilize a high capacity magazine for their segment. NBC was informed that possession of a high capacity magazine is not permissible and their request was denied. This matter is currently being investigated,” police spokeswoman Gwendolyn Crump said in a written statement. She declined to comment further on the investigation.


While interviewing National Rifle Assn. Chief Executive Wayne LaPierre for Sunday’s program, Gregory held an object, apparently as a prop to make a point, and said it was a magazine that could hold 30 rounds.

“Now, isn’t it possible if we got rid of these, if we replaced them and said, ‘Well, you can only have a magazine that carries five bullets or 10 bullets,’ isn’t it just possible that we could reduce the carnage in a situation like Newtown?’” Gregory asked.

LaPierre replied: “I don’t believe that’s going to make one difference. There are so many different ways to evade that even if you had that” ban.

An NBC News spokeswoman declined to comment Wednesday.

—Associated Press

Find dog, appear in next book

Author Dennis Lehane’s dog has gone missing, and he’s taken to Facebook in an effort to find her. In return for bringing Tessa back to Lehane and his family, he’s offering a reward: He’ll name a character in his next book for the person who finds the dog.

Tessa is a beagle that went missing Christmas Eve from the family’s home in Brookline, Mass.

Lehane’s books include the Patrick Kenzie and Angela Gennaro mystery series, “Mystic River,” “Gone Baby Gone” and “Shutter Island.” His latest novel, the 1920s gangster story “Live by Night,” was published in October.


—Carolyn Kellogg

Jennifer Lopez lawsuit is tossed

A judge has dismissed Jennifer Lopez’s $20-million countersuit alleging that she was the victim of extortion by a man she hired to provide driving and protection services.

Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Joseph Kalin granted a motion to toss the singer-actress’ complaint against Hakob Manoukian.

His lawyers alleged the 43-year-old singer and actress filed the case against their client to punish him for filing an employment lawsuit against her.

Manoukian started the litigation by filing a breach-of-contract suit on April 30 against Lopez and her manager, Benny Medina, alleging deceit, failure to pay overtime and wrongful termination.

—City News Service

The ultimate caffeine fix

Patrick Dempsey, who plays Dr. Derek Shepherd on the ABC medical drama “Grey’s Anatomy,” said Wednesday he’s leading a group attempting to buy Tully’s Coffee.

The Seattle-based company filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in October.

—Associated Press
