
Jeremy Renner shows off Hawkeye’s sensitive side on ‘Tonight Show’

The “Avengers: Age of Ultron” promotional push is reaching its crescendo, with the movie opening Friday. We’ve had Robert Downey Jr.’s publicized junket interview walkout and Chris Evans and Jeremy Renner’s controversial comments about Black Widow. So what else is there to get us to notice the movie?

How about Renner in his Hawkeye gear, soulfully singing and playing the piano?

Renner made an appearance on “The Tonight Show” on Tuesday. And instead of just doing the usual celebrity chit-chat, he showed up as Hawkeye and tickled the ivories to the tune of Ed Sheeran’s “Thinking Out Loud.”

You see, he may be on a team with the Norse god of thunder and a giant, green monster, but Hawkeye’s got skills, too. And they aren’t limited to shooting a bow and arrow.


He can also play the trombone? And when he goes to Chipotle, he gets free guac. How awesome is that?

And who knew Renner could sing?

Maybe the next Avengers movie could be a musical. That might be enough to bring writer-director Joss Whedon back to the fold.

Twitter: @patrickkevinday
