
‘Alcoholic Housewife’ author says honesty is the key to recovery

Admitting you have a problem, it’s often said, is the first step to recovery. Brenda Wilhelmson reached that point years ago when she realized that alcohol was wrecking her life. Join a live Web chat with Wilhelmson on Monday, July 25, at 11 a.m. PDT (1 p.m. Central and 2 p.m. Eastern time) when she speaks about her book, “Diary of an Alcoholic Housewife,” about her struggles with addiction and her ongoing recovery.

While some addicts talk about hitting bottom before seeking help, Wilhelmson said that pivotal moment may not be the same for everyone.

“I’m hoping my story can flip the switch for others,” she said, “and help them recognize that yes, you’re an alcoholic even though you have two cars in the garage and you’re married and everything looks good on the surface.”


Letting others know that it’s OK to ask for help before things spiral out of control is one reason Wilhelmson wrote the book. “Why wait until it gets so bad?” she said.

Being honest with oneself is key in getting treatment. “I didn’t want to be an alcoholic. Nobody does. It takes real courage to get to that level of honest with yourself. I was honest with other people, but it was harder being honest with myself. It’s not fun to really admit who you are. But when I made the decision to stop drinking, part of that journey was getting honest with myself.”

Because of that decision, she added, “I feel pretty fearless today. I just want to share that your life can be way better. It really can.”


Do you have a question for Brenda Wilhelmson? Email [email protected] and join the chat to see the answer.
