
Going Green: Programs Help Reduce Impact

Custom Publishing Writer

Not only is Longo Toyota a national leader in sales and service, it takes responsibility for its impact on the environment with practical and sustainable on-site processes. In recognition of its commitment to sustaining green business practices, the Bureau of Automotive Repair has named Longo Toyota a Recognized Green Station Center.

Here’s what Longo is doing internally to earn its green credentials:

  • Bottle and can recycling bins are conveniently located on the property for guests and employees. These bins are serviced by the San Gabriel Conservation Corps, with proceeds donated to local schools.
  • Electronic waste and universal waste recycling is provided, as well as oil and cleaning-fluid bottle recycling.
  • Longo’s Collision Repair Center uses a waterborne basecoat in its automotive paint department that reduces airborne pollutants and improves air quality.
  • Beverage-can tabs are collected to benefit the Ronald McDonald House.
  • Scrap metal, car batteries, tires and paper are all recycled.
  • Longo Toyota reduces paper use by storing reports on computer networks instead of printing them out.
  • All lights and electrical items are consistently turned off when not in use.
  • Employees are encouraged and given incentives to carpool to work, bicycle, walk or use mass-transit when possible.

Also, Longo hosts an annual Earth Day event in partnership with the city of El Monte that is open to the public and offers recycling of electrical items and shredding and recycling of documents.

Do-it-yourselfers can dispose of used motor oil at Longo through California’s used-oil recycling program. As a certified used-oil collection center, Longo pays 16 cents a gallon for used oil and there is no limit to the number of gallons Longo accepts.


Green Car-Care Tips

There are several ways drivers can save gas and protect the environment, including the following:

  • Make sure tires are always properly inflated. It enhances fuel economy as well as safety.
  • Replace dirty air filters. A clean filter saves fuel and improves a car’s performance.
  • Check spark plugs and have them replaced as needed. Dirty spark plugs waste fuel and make engines misfire.
  • Slow down when climbing hills and use gravity to coast as much as possible when going down inclines.
  • Whenever possible, keep your windows closed while driving to prevent drag.
  • Keep up with the car’s maintenance schedule and promptly make any needed repairs.
  • Avoid jerky jackrabbit starts when accelerating from a dead stop.

For more car care tips, call Longo’s Service Department at (800) 617-6519, or check out Longo’s online video library.
