Paul Waters, right, counts out the money for a marriage license at the Ventura County clerk and recorder’s office. The cash was a gift from his mother, Peggy Waters, seated at his side. Kevin Voecks, his partner and soon to be his spouse, takes a photo. They have lived together for 15 years and were among the first couples to get married Tuesday in Ventura County. (Gary Friedman / Los Angeles Times)
Kevin Voecks hugs his future mother-in-law, Peggy Waters; her son, Paul Waters, is at the right. (Gary Friedman / Los Angeles Times)
Paul Waters checks out a boutonniere for Kevin Voecks, his partner and future husband. Watching is Sarah Harrison, who works at It’s a Blooming Business” in Sherman Oaks. (Gary Friedman / Los Angeles Times)
Paul Waters, left, and Kevin Voecks wait in line for their marriage license. (Gary Friedman / Los Angeles Times)
Paul Waters and Kevin Voecks arrive at the Ventura County clerk and recorder’s office to obtain a marriage license. (Gary Friedman / Los Angeles Times)
Kevin Voecks lifts his great-nephew Ryan Voecks, 4, in the bedroom of the Valley Village home Kevin shares with his partner, Paul Waters, who is dressing the background in preparation for his and Kevin’s marriage today. They have lived together for 15 years and are one of the first gay couples to get married today. Ryan’s the ring bearer. (Gary Friedman/Los Angeles Times)
Paul Waters, left, and his partner, Kevin Voecks, kiss this morning as they prepare to get married later in the day. (Gary Friedman / Los Angeles Times)
Paul Waters, right, and his partner (and future husband) Kevin Voecks have lived together for 15 years and were to be one of the first couples to get married Tuesday. They live in Valley Village in the San Fernando Valley. (Gary Friedman / Los Angeles Times)
Paul Waters, left, and Kevin Voecks are escorted down the aisle at their wedding by Waters’ mother, Peggy Waters. (Gary Friedman /Los Angeles Times)
Paul Waters, right, is served cake by Kevin Voecks in one of two cake cuttings after their wedding. (Gary Friedman /Los Angeles Times)