Martha Groves’ Knee
One of the nurses at the surgery center tries to find a vein in reporter Martha Groves’ hand for the IV drip. It is painful, and Groves tries to relax in anticipation of it. (Annie Wells / Los Angeles Times)
Groves grimaces as a nurse inserts a needle into her hand for the IV drip. It is a very painful process. (Annie Wells / Los Angeles Times)
The drain is removed, and nurse Edith Rodriguez covers the wound with a bandage. (Annie Wells / Los Angeles Times)
Woozy from anesthetic, Groves gets dressed with help from nurses Suzanne Holland, left, and Amber Skiffen. (Annie Wells / Los Angeles Times)
Groves waits in a wheelchair for her dizziness to pass before she leaves the surgery center. Her friend, Jim Bell, left , has her bag and nurse Amber Skiffen, right, waits to show her how to use her crutches. (Annie Wells / Los Angeles Times)
Groves’ cat snuggles up against her good leg as she tries to sleep off the anesthetic, which made her very ill. (Annie Wells / Los Angeles Times)
Groves, finally able to get up on her crutches, walks across the living room and toward the bathroom. (Annie Wells / Los Angeles Times)
Nurse Edith Rodriguez takes the first look at Groves’ knee during the post-op visit. (Annie Wells / Los Angeles Times)
Groves snaps a photograph of the X-ray of her knee during her first post-op visit. (Annie Wells / Los Angeles Times)
Groves winces in pain as she tries to use an exercise bike during a rehab appointment. (Annie Wells / Los Angeles Times)
Connie, a physical therapist, measures the bend in Groves’ knee with a device called a goniometer. (Annie Wells / Los Angeles Times)
Connie helps Groves bend her knee during a rehab appointment. The therapist’s rigorous regimen prompted Groves to nickname her Connie the Barbarian. (Annie Wells / Los Angeles Times)
Groves gives her dog, Boomer, a drink of water at Will Rogers State Park during her first hike after her knee surgery. (Annie Wells / Los Angeles Times)