The Los Angles Times building, foreground, was designed by Gordon B. Kaufmann. The Art Moderne building opened in 1935 at 1st and Spring streets, kitty-corner from City Hall, and represented the power wielded by the newspaper and the Chandler family that owned it. Harry Chandler, then president and general manager of Times-Mirror Co., declared the building a monument to the progress of our city and Southern California. (Brian Vander Brug / Los Angeles Times)
The Times Building was the first piece of what became Times Mirror Square that included the 10-story Times South Building and the adjoining headquarters of Times Mirror Co. (Brian Vander Brug / Los Angeles Times)
Los Angeles City Hall is visible from a fifth-floor window of the Los Angeles Times Building. (Scott Harrison / Los Angeles Times)
Disney Hall, one of Los Angeles’ newer architectural landmarks, can be seen from the former Times Mirror Square. (Scott Harrison / Los Angeles Times)
Looking south from inside the L.A. Times building, the view includes the Reagan state office building on Spring Street, left, a Times-owned parking garage, and historic buildings along Broadway, right. Many of the buildings have been or are being being converted to lofts and condominiums. Nearly 40,000 people now call downtown home. (Scott Harrison / Los Angeles Times)