
Letters: A murderer locked away

Re “18th Street to death row,” Nov. 3

Pedro Espinoza, the 23-year-old killer of Jamiel Shaw II, smirked at the victim’s grieving father.

Espinoza is unlikely to be put to death in California, so he’ll almost surely spend at least 40 years in prison. He should think about all he’ll never enjoy again: family gatherings, good food and drink, sleeping in a comfortable bed, the company of women, driving a car and anything else that brought pleasure in his former life as a free person.


He’ll spend his time confined to a single cell with absolutely no privacy. He will breathe prison air, eat prison food and sleep — or try to — on cold, hard prison beds.

Espinoza’s victim is beyond pain and deprivation, but his has only begun. He should think about that and see if he can work up a smirk.

M.L. Goodman

Long Beach


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