
Letters: Want better government? Elect more women

Re “A GOP governor’s recipe for reform,” Nov. 24

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s suggestion that we try a unified, party-controlled (presumably Republican) government is really a call for socially and economically regressive policies.

When the GOP campaigned in 2010, the party stressed jobs as its No. 1 goal. It was a smart approach. But once Republicans took control of the House and many governorships, they went after labor rights, reproductive rights and voting rights. A jobs plan was nowhere to be found, and it isn’t on the radar today.

Since the Reagan administration, the GOP has won many battles, but Republicans are losing the war and they know it. Severe gerrymandering and suppression of voting rights in Democratic-predominant areas are clear evidence of this. Time is not on their side.


Rather than one-party rule, I strongly suggest many more women — Republican and Democrat — be elected to office. Women have a different approach to problem-solving: They actually want to do it without letting ego get in the way.

Joanne Turner

Eagle Rock


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