
Letters: Buying a town with a barbecue

Re “He’s delving into history to find gold,” May 27

Here is a perfect example of the rich being out of touch. David Badner, a venture capitalist, brags about his Miami condo, sports cars and boats. He buys a defunct gold mine near the quiet community of Jamestown, Colo., and hopes to win over the locals by throwing a barbecue and bringing in “a band, face painters, a clown.”

“I’ll pay for it — I won’t be handing out the paper plates,” he says. Really? How typical of the rich and insensitive — buy off the potential hindrance to your endeavors with food and trinkets.


Former Jamestown Mayor Ken Lenarcic hit it on the head: The residents will get nothing out of the mining venture — except a barbecue. Big deal.

Linda Navroth

Los Angeles

We can’t speak for Jamestown (no one can), but we know the residents well because we live there part of the year. The people are concerned about air, water and noise pollution, plus the extreme fire danger in this forested area. At least one of the proposed drill sites is within half a mile of much of the town.

The residents of Jamestown include professors, medical professionals, high-tech consultants, teachers, artists and skilled workers. Badner insults the town by his assumption that he can win them over with a barbecue and clowns.


Jerome and Sylvia Welner

Manhattan Beach


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