
Letters: Educated and illegal

Re “Stuck between two Americas,” Column One, June 8

Maria Gomez is just the kind of young person we need in America. Though she was brought here illegally when she was 8 years old, she persevered in difficult circumstances. She excelled in school and was accepted to four University of California campuses and attended UCLA as an undergraduate and then completed a master’s in architecture.

Isn’t there someone who can help this young woman become a citizen? A college degree should be one step on the road to full citizenship. Getting hired in a career position is impossible unless these young people are citizens.


Thank you for reporting this complicated issue. Something has to be done to change things.

Robbin Close

Newbury Park

Regarding “the country that made you hide like a criminal,” last time I checked, being here illegally was against the law. Other than being here illegally, there is not much difference between Gomez and a lot of other students who were born here or who came here legally.

There are many full-time college students who work two or more jobs and are graduating into an uncertain job. I feel for all of them but I cannot give Gomez any extra sympathy. She isn’t the only one with major challenges.

James Miller


Gomez’s story is a monument to her hard work and dedication in achieving her goals.

Now, she should leave this great country, go back to her own great country and seek a job so as to be able to work in her chosen field.


Richard Gearon



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