
Letters: Enforcing Arizona’s immigration law

Re “Arizona’s police chiefs see an enforcement headache,” June 26

Why do many Arizona police chiefs see enforcement of SB 1070, the state’s tough immigration law, as “a headache”? Because of the new level of scrutiny? Because they are not going to be allowed to perform racial profiling without theU.S. Supreme Courtvoiding the final valid part of the state’s odious immigration law?

Thousands more immigrants have been prevented from staying in America under President Obama than under the Bush administration, yet Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer’s entire premise for enacting the law was that the federal government was not doing enough to protect Arizona’s borders. How odd.


Marcy Bregman

Agoura Hills

The Times quotes only two Arizona police officials and one from Los Angeles. Chief Charlie Beck of the Los Angeles Police Department and the Tucson chief have been critics of SB 1070 from the outset, and the head of the Arizona Assn. of Chiefs of Police is not himself an enforcement officer.

You couldn’t find a single police chief in Arizona who thinks the state’s effort to enforce immigration laws might lead to increased public safety and thus is worth a little headache? Are they all really more afraid of lawsuits than of murderous drug dealers and other illegal thugs who torment Arizonans?

Jeffrey C. Briggs


In the great progressive stampede to the sideshow of condemning Arizona’s attempt to somehow ensure peace and prosperity for its legal residents, we are in danger of losing the proper perspective that the Obama administration has thus far done little substantively for Latinos or to resolve the national disaster referred to as our immigration policy.


Robert D. Robinson



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