
Letters: Facebook billionaires and taxes

Re “Tax-savvy move by Web firm pioneer?,” Business, May 12

Even jokingly suggesting that Facebook Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg leave the United States and give up his U.S. citizenship to avoid paying his taxes really disgusted me. Indeed, he owes the United States and California a deep debt of gratitude for providing the comfort, the resources and the social and economic climate that enabled him to indulge his creative juices.

Leaving the country to evade taxes is just as immoral as moving one’s business out of the country. That is especially true considering the depths of a recession from which our country is emerging.


Maxine Van Voorst-Potter


As I was thinking of our kids dying in our wars for our country, I read about Facebook co-founder Eduardo Saverin renouncing his citizenship ahead of the Facebook initial public offering, likely to save some tax money. Could Facebook ever flourish in any country but the U.S.?

Please tell me he will never be allowed back in our country.

Tim Marshall

Corona del Mar


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