Overrated and underrated in 2013: Meghan Daum’s list
He finally confessed to doping. A damning documentary film, “The Armstrong Lie,” came out, and now we’re hearing from a retired Italian cyclist who alleges that Armstrong bribed him with $100,000 in a cake box to throw a race in 1993. But unless Armstrong can solve healthcare or slow down climate change, he needs to go away and stay away. He really belongs to 2012. That was the year the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency nailed him. In 2013, he was merely scolded by Oprah -- which is to say, 2013 was the year he became James Frey with better bone structure.
12 political photos that made us look twice
10 tips for a better life from The Times’ Op-Ed pages
Kindness in the world of politics? 7 uplifting examples from 2013 (George Burns / AFP/Getty Images)
End-of-year zeitgeist wrap-ups are as mandatory as piped-in Christmas music at the dentist’s office. Therefore I would be remiss if I did not offer up my list of notable phenomena of 2013, the overrated and the underrated. These opinions do not necessarily reflect the positions of this newspaper -- or even mine, the day after writing them. -- Meghan Daum
Yes, he lied about his height (he’s just 6’ 8”, not 7’). Yes, he deceived his girlfriend. And no, he’s never been the biggest star in the NBA. But when Jason Collins announced last April that he was gay, he changed the game for good -- not to mention for the good. “I didn’t set out to be the first openly gay athlete playing in a major American team sport,” Collins wrote in Sports Illustrated. “But since I am, I’m happy to start the conversation.” That conversation quickly included fellow player Kobe Bryant as well as President Obama and countless fans and fellow athletes.
12 political photos that made us look twice
10 tips for a better life from The Times’ Op-Ed pages
Kindness in the world of politics? 7 uplifting examples from 2013 (Kevin C. Cox / Getty Images)
If only Kate and Will had pulled a Beyonce and said nothing about their impending royal addition until suddenly, like the singer’s surprise album release last Friday, he was just here. Alas, no. Royal baby mania dominated 2013’s headlines until Prince George’s birth on July 22, at which point public interest immediately shifted to the state of his mother’s abs. Now, just in time for the holidays, those not fortunate enough to have their own heir to the throne can buy a porcelain doll version for $149.99. Pricier than Big Hugs Elmo, but worth every penny.
12 political photos that made us look twice
10 tips for a better life from The Times’ Op-Ed pages
Kindness in the world of politics? 7 uplifting examples from 2013 (John Stillwell / AFP/Getty Images)
Astonishingly, the American royal baby -- otherwise known as the Kim Kardashian/Kanye West dividend named North -- has kept a relatively low profile since her arrival on June 15. Besides a smattering of paparazzi shots and a few photos Kardashian selected and shared with only her 11 million Instagram followers, the new parents appear to be making good on their pledge to keep their daughter out of the spotlight. In fact, North is so reclusive, she hasn’t yet acquired a suitable winter wardrobe. The Huffington Post had to issue the following correction: “An earlier version of this post referred to North West’s neck accessory as a scarf. It’s more likely the item is a bib.”
12 political photos that made us look twice
10 tips for a better life from The Times’ Op-Ed pages
Kindness in the world of politics? 7 uplifting examples from 2013 (Evan Agostini / Invision/ Associated Press)