
Readers React: Another Olympics for L.A.? Leave the taxpayers out of it.

To the editor: Dear Mr. Mayor: If you are reading this, here’s the answer you should give the U.S. Olympic Committee on having the city cover any cost overruns for the 2024 Summer Games: No. (“Boston ends bid to host 2024 Olympics, giving Los Angeles an opportunity,” July 27)

Please don’t even consider putting taxpayers on the hook for even one penny in cost overruns. Professional sports (yes, that includes the Olympics) are and should be a source of great profits to private individuals and corporations, and should be funded exclusively by them.

Please resist the temptation to court that kind of glory at the expense of the city of Los Angeles and the residents you have sworn to serve.


Les Brockmann, Granada Hills


To the editor: Now that Boston is out of the picture, Los Angeles and San Francisco should join forces and submit a California Olympics bid. It could be tied to completion of the California high-speed rail project so people could attend events in both the Bay Area and Los Angeles with a fast train ride between venues.

Let’s show the world that California is a world leader in hospitality, transportation and innovation. The California Olympics would be the most profitable in history.

Michael P. Meyer, Los Angeles

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