
Readers React: Guns toters aren’t doing anyone a favor

To the editor: I find it so disheartening to read yet another article about the seemingly insatiable appetite that many people have for guns. (“Concealed weapons permits nearly double in O.C.,” Aug. 31)

I get it that people feel the need to protect themselves from all the other people with guns out there, but can they not see that they are only perpetuating and increasing the risk for themselves and others? Each new person with a gun, including and perhaps especially those with

concealed-carry permits, raises the risk level for all of us. Sure, once in a while a good guy with a gun gets a bad guy with a gun, but I read a lot more stories where things don’t go that way.


Between the possibility of a kid getting hold of the gun, an accidental firing while cleaning the gun, a bad guy stealing your gun or turning it on you, or your own lapse of judgment in a moment of rage, expanding the opportunity to carry guns in public makes no sense to me.

Joanna Ryder, Hermosa Beach
