
Readers React: Trump had a temper tantrum over the Philadelphia Eagles and tried to make it about patriotism

President Trump sings the national anthem during a "Celebration of America" at the White House on Tuesday held in lieu of an event with the Philadelphia Eagles.
(Susan Walsh / Associated Press)

To the editor: I am so tired of this president stomping his feet and complaining every time he doesn’t get his own way.

President Trump is constantly whining that everyone has to respect the office and respect him. Respect begets respect, and Trump doesn’t respect anyone but himself.

He has been complaining about the football players and calling them names, and he wonders why those who won this year’s Super Bowl don’t want to come to his party? Trump says it’s because the players disagree with him about standing for the national anthem, when the truth is that no member of the Philadelphia Eagles took a knee during the anthem.


Like so many of us, the Eagles’ players disagree with Trump’s temper tantrums, where he resorts to divisive name-calling tweets when things don’t go his way. We need an adult in the White House.

Ron Diton, Upland


To the editor: Maybe if Trump would have had the courage of those of us who stood in the Los Angeles Armed Forces Examining and Entrance Station, both draftees and enlistees back in 1970 when I got called, I could believe in his displays of patriotism.

It makes me sick to have this man talk about standing proudly for the national anthem when he turned his back on his country by getting multiple deferments during the Vietnam War.


How any veteran can support a man who has insulted true heroes like Sen. John McCain after running from service to his country is beyond me.

Martin Wauson, Westminster


To the editor: There should be no confusion over why the visit of the Philadelphia Eagles to the White House never occurred. It’s really very simple.

The Eagles were invited to the White House to be honored for winning the Super Bowl. Trump rescinded that invitation because so many of the players weren’t going to come to honor him.


It is all very personal with our president.

Irving Weinstein, Ventura

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