
Letters to the Editor: Coronavirus could wreak havoc on L.A.’s homeless encampments

Homeless in Venice
Homeless people who live on 3rd Avenue in Venice prepare for a cleanup by city crews on Jan. 30.
(Los Angeles Times)

To the editor: The arrival of the coronavirus on the west coast of the United States could have devastating effects on the large homeless populations of Seattle, Portland, San Francisco and Los Angeles. (“The coronavirus crisis exposes the stupidity of Trump’s healthcare policies,” column, March 2)

Rule No. 1 for preventing the virus’ spread is to wash your hands with soap and hot water. That’s almost impossible if you are homeless. Remember when L.A. City Hall had to deal with a major rodent problem that was linked to a typhus outbreak in nearby homeless encampments?

Question for Mayor Eric Garcetti and our City Council members: Do you have a plan in place to deal with the coronavirus if it affects our large homeless population? It is time to get homeless people off the streets.


Joyce Peyton, Los Angeles


To the editor: President Trump needs to self-quarantine during this virus epidemic. He’s maybe a “stable genius,” but he is no scientific expert.

I don’t need disinformation based on his hunches and beliefs. I need to hear from the qualified professionals in their fields of expertise.

June Thompson, Los Angeles


To the editor: Just when I think our president has bottomed out on his personal intelligence, he poses a question about whether a “solid” flu vaccine might be able to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.


A better question is can we stand four more years of international disrespect and ridicule?

Mark Baumohl, Santa Monica
