
Letters to the Editor: Why would anyone take vaccine advice from a chiropractor?

A healthcare worker holds a vial of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine
A vial of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine.
(Associated Press)

To the editor: I wouldn’t go to a chiropractor for treatment for an infectious disease, nor would I go to an infectious disease physician to get my back adjusted. (“Anti-vaccine chiropractors rising force of misinformation,” Oct. 9)

Additionally, as a retired pharmaceutical representative, I have far more knowledge and training hours in infectious disease than any chiropractor around.

Why, oh why would anyone listen to a chiropractor (they are not physicians) on vaccines anyway? I continue to be awed by the stupidity around me.

Cindy Baker, Simi Valley


To the editor: Chiropractors shouldn’t all be painted with the same brush.

I’ve been to many — some good, some fair. But no chiropractor has ever tried to sell me supplements or discuss vaccinations with me. I am sure there are medical professionals who behave that way, but certainly not the majority.


My chiropractor for the last 20 years is my go-to person for most ailments. He knows the human body extremely well and treats my problems with a variety of techniques. He has also suggested that I see my internist when he suspects a possible medical problem. He’s been right every time.

Integrity in all professions is a good barometer. There are good doctors and chiropractors, just as there are poor ones.

Marlene Bronson, Los Angeles
