

You editors need to lighten up and look at the fact of companion

animal ownership (“Does Huntington Beach really need a dog park?” Jan.


You could check with the local animal control agency, but the last

time I looked, there were companion dogs and cats in one out of two

homes. The dogs and cats were almost equally split.

Work the numbers. That dog population would equal 25% of the

residences. We need a dog park as well as we need to protect the rights

of homeowners.

It is most obvious that we need a dog park as attested to the by the

use of the present one. The city needs to find a place where dogs can run

and people cannot hear.

While there may not be many open spaces left in the city, I am sure

there is enough land in the park system or on other municipal parcels

where some compatible remedy can be implemented.

I hope city officials are more aware of the need that citizens have

for companion animals and continue to support and facilitate this

valuable social activity.


Huntington Beach

I can’t believe the Independent can be so cruel to the dog park. I

have been going there for the last seven months, but have you ever been

to the dog park?

I go every day for my dog, but half of the time no one is there.

Between 9:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m., maybe there are five people with their

dogs there if that.

And just remember that it also is a regular park too. Do others

complain about the noise other than the dogs? People should remember that

things change every day. Why can’t we all get along?


Huntington Beach

Best Friends Dog Park is a place Huntington Beach can be proud of.

Ordinary residents worked very hard to make the park what it is today --

a safe, clean, beautiful place to let our dogs exercise and socialize.

Your editorial Jan. 25 was obviously written by someone who has never

been loved by a dog.

The author cites the dog beach as a place for dogs to run free. Well,

I don’t go there too often because of the rather ambiguous rules. I’m

never sure whether I’ll get a ticket for letting my dog run loose. Plus

the dog beach is constantly in danger of being taken away by selfish

people who don’t want to share a tiny part of the beach with our dogs.

Can Huntington Beach be proud of that? No. Can Huntington Beach be

proud of even considering a nude juice bar on Beach Boulevard? No. Can

Huntington Beach be proud of approving a large department store in the

middle of a residential neighborhood? I don’t think so. Can Huntington

Beach be proud of not addressing the concerns of the residents on

Lakepoint Lane six years ago before all the time and money was spent to

establish this park? Definitely not.

If the park has to be moved, it should be done at the city’s expense.

Huntington Beach needs this dog park. It is something we can finally be

proud of.


Huntington Beach

I take great exception to your narrow vision on the dog park. It

provides a great community service, costs the city nothing and brings

people together.

The park has operated for five years and, except for the recent

complaints from “career complainers,” has been no problem at all. Your

ill-advised editorial is a reflection of your narrow interests.


Huntington Beach
