
Report shows crimes down in local districts

Angelique Flores

The Fountain Valley School District stayed well below county and state

crime rates in results released Wednesday for the California Safe Schools

Assessment for 1999-2000.

The Safe Schools Report lists crime rates of districts with more than

999 students enrolled in the categories of crimes against persons, drug

and alcohol offenses and property crimes.

The Fountain Valley Elementary School District had no crimes to report

in more than half of the categories. According to the report, the numbers

remained at zero in the categories of assault with a deadly weapon,

robbery/extortion and sex offenses. Incidents of battery dropped to zero

this year as well.

Drug and alcohol offenses went down to a 0.32 rate, and property

crimes also decreased to 0.95.

“We’re very pleased with the results, but there is still room for

improvement,” said Steve McMahon, assistant superintendent of business

administration. “We wish that everything was zero, but we’re heading in

the right direction. The numbers show that there is a trend of a steady


The only increase Fountain Valley saw was in possession of a weapon

which jumped from zero to 0.32 in this year’s numbers.

State officials say portions of the rate increases are due to improved

reporting, especially in drug and alcohol offenses.

Huntington Beach Union High School District saw increases in four of

the categories, hanging onto numbers above the county rates.

Drug and alcohol offenses rose from 6.25 to 8.67. Property crimes are

up from 8.78 to 9.57, as well weapons possession which increased from

1.69 to 2.10.

Crimes against persons continue to drop, except for sex offenses which

has been slowly climbing. This year it reached to 0.35.

Robbery/extortion dove down to zero. Battery saw a slight fall down to

2.81, and assault with a deadly weapon decreased to 0.28.

The Huntington Beach City School District saw all but one number drop

-- sex offenses -- which increased from zero to 0.15.

The rate of battery declined to 2.25 from 3.18; drug and alcohol

offenses is down to 0.75 from 1.82; property crimes decreased from 1.21

to 1.05; and possession of a weapon jumped down to .60 from .91.

The district had no reports of assault with a deadly weapon nor


Ocean View School District’s figures plummeted in all but two

categories, and one stayed the same.

Robbery/extortion went up from zero to 0.10, and sex offenses are up

from zero to .20. Drug and alcohol offenses stayed the same at .71.

Reports of battery dipped down to 1.63 from 2.13; assault with a

deadly weapon dropped to zero from .20; property crimes are down to 2.44

from 4.16; and possession of a weapon decreased from 0.71 to .41.
